New Life Academy Online Application 2025-2026 Online Application New Life Academy Online Application Student's Full Name * First Name Last Name Scholar's Date of Birth & Age * Grade by 9/1/25 * Grade your scholar is entering for SY 2025 * Gender * School Previously Attended * Last Grade your scholar completed * Student's Current Address * Mother/Guardian Name + Address Type n.a if not applicable Email Address * Mother/Guardian Cell Phone + Work Phone * Type n.a if not applicable Mother/Guardian Place of Employment + Title * Father/Guardian Name + Address * Type n.a if not applicable Father/Guardian Cell Phone + Work Phone * Type n.a if not applicable Email Address * Father/Guardian Place of Employment + Title * Type n.a if not applicable Emergency Contact 1 Name + Cell Phone + Address * Emergency Contact 2 Name + Cell Phone + Address * How did you hear about New Life Academy? * Does you scholar have any known allergies? * Is there any additional information that would be essential to know about your scholar with regards to their learning? * Thank you! A member of our New Life Academy Team will contact you shortly.